Writing about civilization and culture in lockdown

Writing about civilization and culture in lockdown

While we hear do not hear many reports of civilization and culture in lockdown. Writing history now is what the author and photographer Andrew Laurence is doing. In his book, he describes and displays life in lockdown. This is one thing you can do when you just keep distance .

Andrew writes about art and social distancing in his article

Art is universal, undying and unique and has existed since the dawn of time. Art is a human expression and can take many forms. It can appeal to one or more of our five senses. And can also appeal to the sixth sense, spirituality. Andrew’s art appeals to the sense of sight and stimulates you through the use of bright beautiful colors. As an artist, he “takes objects in his environment and turns them into bright colorful images that evoke positive emotions, bright colors that evoke beauty and uplift the spirit. Many of his images look more like paintings than photographs.”

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10268512

MLA Style Citation:
Lawrence, Andrew “Art And Social Distancing.” Art And Social Distancing. 19 Mar. 2020 EzineArticles.com. 3 Mar. 2021 <http://ezinearticles.com/?Art-­And-­Social-­Distancing&id=10268512>.APA Style Citation:
Lawrence, A. (2020, March 19). Art And Social Distancing. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Art-­And-­Social-­Distancing&id=10268512Chicago Style Citation:
Lawrence, Andrew “Art And Social Distancing.” Art And Social DistancingEzineArticles.com. http://ezinearticles.com/?Art-­And-­Social-­Distancing&id=10268512

A picture says 1000 words when I asked Andrew what is the style of most of his photo’s he said

“I call it cool color. Cool Color Photos. I boost or change the normal colors of a photo with many edits to create a more interesting and unique visual effect. I also create lots of abstract photos as a result. Many of my photos look more like paintings than photographs.” Visit the site in the link below the photos to view in full detail.

disposable glove as an artwork

You can learn more about Andrew’s work in lockdown on his website https://www.coolcolorphotos.com/

Here is an example of writing about civilization and culture in lockdown in books.

civilization and culture in lockdown