Use Smaller Social Bookmarking sites to Get Traffic

Use Smaller Social Bookmarking sites to Get Traffic

Getting on the front page of Digg or sites like Stumble upon is a near Impossible Task for Most Bloggers, but if you were to join a Smaller Social Bookmarking site and become one of the most active Members you can easily get 100 visitors a Day by being on the Front Page.

The trick is being active and comment and visit the sites that are submitting posts when you visit them you are showing these other Blogs that getting traffic from the smaller social bookmarking sites is easier than getting traffic from Digg. This will encourage them to visit the site more often and you will be on the front page as one of the Top members.

One of the better social bookmarking sites that I use is Shetoldme and I regularly get traffic because, as I am an active commentator my profile is on the front page. This is also so because the Visitors see that I am active on the site and will wonder what I am doing and visit my profile and Homepage or the Articles that I have submitted


  1. Rawhider

    I haven’t tried Digg yet. I’m just now learning facebook. lol I’m too busy writing blogs and working on my ebook to socialize much.

  2. Mike Cykler

    If you have less people in your social bookmark you will get more attention of the people so I think its much better to use the smaller site. Nice observation by the way.

  3. Chris

    The Main thing is to Keep people Interested when you submit your Blog post also make a few comments then the people come to your profile. In Digg this is normally ignored because people can login with facebook connect and a person adding you as a friend has no real meaning to it. In the Smaller sites the navigation is mostly a little clearer and you have a better chance of making friends on these who can also help you out in the bigger bookmarking sites.

  4. Man Over Board

    Great advice, I am going to check out Shetoldme later tonight. The biggies are still well worth it. Even if you never come close to the front page, anytime I get a post hit upon by Stumble it always blows it up to at least 200 hits. Digg is to much work for me, I always bookmark on there, but the work you have to do to get in the double digits with Digg I can spend that time doing other things. I am currently working hard at Twitter, and think in the next few months all the work will be worth it, at least I am hoping so. Love your blog bro 🙂

  5. Man Over Board

    PS you should get some social book marks on your blog, especially on your posts so we can retweet them and stuff, just a thought.

  6. Chris

    Thanks I had Topsy but I have reinstalled the Onlywire plugin as it submits to many Social Bookmarking Site at once

  7. Chris

    I can’t get many Diggs because I use an iFrame breaker but I do like Submiting Posts to Digg for Faster Indexing sometimes so it is worth the Time logging in

  8. Don E. Chute

    As, a brandnewbie to all of this. Thank you, for the advise.

    I hope to entrecard upon you again.


  9. Chris

    Thanks for Stopping by Don E I read about you on ezgreatlife you are always welcome to stop by.

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