Stuck for something to write why not use a Twitter topic as a blog post.
Reading your twitter stream can give you many ideas for blog post’s by watching the trends of the tweets from the people you follow you could easily pick a topic for your next blog post. The topic could be something everyone is talking about like in the case of trending tweets or it could be a motivational quote that someone Made.
Write about twitter tools to get more social traffic
There is no real ultimate twitter guide but some twitter tools like hootsuite and twit-scoop can really help you understand the social networking site a little Better. Hootsuite is Good to Find out Which of your Tweets are Getting Clicked on also great for Managing Multiple twitter Accounts plus and from Which Region the Click Through from Twitter are Coming From.TwitScoop is a good way to know which Tweets and Topics are Getting the Most Popularity. The Only Problem I have with Twitscoop is that unless people are using then the Stats for these Tweets will not Show in the TwitScoop Timeline.
Look at the people you follow and who you are following on twitter.
Having a little better understanding of the people you follow on twitter can also help you get more followers and more retweets what are they tweeting that makes many people follow them are they just tweeting links or maybe they have many conversations on twitter and use hash tags(#) in their conversations which leads to more targeted followers when people search these hash tags even get more referrals for your twitter account.
When you combine these twitter tools and the stream of the people you follow you can pick some topics to write about easily,And have some kind of Idea about how the article will perform in twitter. How do you use twitter for blog topics have you got some secret formula to get ideas from twitter for your Blog posts please Share if you Have.
I knew there was a good reason for the Twitter Trends 😉 Great idea to utilize them in to creating your next blog post, I’ll have to do that the next time I get Bloggers Block 😉