Not enough nourishment eating too Little
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Stressed Eating Too Little Getting The Right Daily Calorie Intake

Overcoming appetite loss when stressed. Tips for feeling too full after eating very little or just eating too little because you are stressed.

Eating too Little Regaining Appetite When Stressed

Though binge eating is a typical stress response, it’s not uncommon to lose appetite when you’re anxious. Per a 2015 APA study, 31% of the adult participants admitted to foregoing a meal due to increased stress levels. You might feel nauseous when you swallow food and even lose weight in the long run. Tasks like shopping for ingredients, cooking, and washing dishes could also overwhelm you. Whether you’re worried about your family or the stress is work-related, here’s how to relieve anxiety and improve your appetite.

Understand Your Stress

Not enough nourishment eating too Little
Photo by Monstera on Pexels

You can only find a solution for your anxiety when you understand its root cause. That way, you can start recovering by yourself or seek professional help. Therapy not only addresses current stressors but also equips you to handle future ones. Besides emotional problems, therapists treat physical symptoms like insomnia, migraines, and stomachaches.

Another option is talking to a friend or joining a support group. Again, don’t stress about your lack of appetite. As long as you eat small portions, the human body can manage bouts of hunger. Most importantly, practice gratitude. Acknowledging the good in your life cultivates positive emotions to improve physical health.

Create a Schedule to start regaining your appetite

Create a Schedule for eating
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Meal timetables eliminate anxiety since you don’t have to decide what and when you’re going to eat every day. Your brain starts to get used to the new pattern. Then you start feeling hungry at the same time daily. Consistency is necessary for this program’s success. You can even set alarms as reminders.

Your timetable should comprise numerous small meals instead of a few large ones that could cause indigestion. Your biggest meal should come when you’re most hungry, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Drink enough water while at it. Apart from causing dry skin and headaches, dehydration negatively impacts your mood. However, avoid too much water before meals lest you lose appetite.

Make Mealtime Exciting Maybe Boredom has you eating less

The setting is as important as the meal itself. Consider playing music, watching a movie, or decorating your dining table with flowers and fresh fruit. Additionally, vary colors on your plate or garnish your meal with lime wedges or parsley. Likewise, add seasonings to enhance flavor and aroma.

You could also try something you once had with friends and family to remind yourself of the good times. Feel free to invite your loved ones for a meal at your place or try a new restaurant together. You could also opt for nutritious beverages like smoothies and milkshakes if the food isn’t appealing.

Exercise for Improved Appetite

Your body uses calories during physical activity, creating an energy deficit that increases appetite. Additionally, exercise accelerates metabolic rate to stimulate hunger. Working out is also a form of emotional release. Martial arts and weight work distract you from your stressors so you can focus on deep breathing.

But it may take a while before you notice any significant changes. You’re likely to regain your appetite after exercising for several days, not one training session. Exercise doesn’t have to be strenuous. Even light workouts like walking before meals will do. Other exercise benefits include stronger muscles, smoother skin, and better sleep. 

Limit These Foods and drinks some may cause you to be eating too little

Limit these foods junk foods
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Some substances may appear to cure your stress, but they only make it worse. Take the case of alcohol. Although you may feel relaxed after a glass of wine, booze raises heart rates and blood pressure. It also dehydrates you and disrupts sleep patterns. What’s more, limit your caffeine intake. Although you can start your day with some coffee, excess caffeine stimulates the nervous system, worsening your anxiety. You should also steer clear of processed carbs. They might taste good, but these foods destabilize sugar levels, causing moodiness and irritability.

How do you regaining your appetite when you are eating too little? Leave a comment below and thanks for reading


  1. Bob

    Creating a schedule is important when dealing with any type of eating disorders that cause you to lose weight.Fresh air and exercise are also helpful to increase your appetite. Thanks for Sharing

  2. Thanks Bob, Yes getting out in fresh air especially the sea or mountain air can really help your appetite. Sticking to a schedule is key I try to routinely eat at the same time each day. But it can be hard for some at first.

  3. I’ve always had issues with eating as I have little interest in food, because it all tastes bland to me. If it wasn’t for my reactive hypoglycaemia, I probably wouldn’t eat at all. If I don’t buy anything in that I like or is easy to cook, I often boredom eat or eat just because it’s quick and available. I should really start eating at set times, but I often don’t know when my hypos symptoms will hit me

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