Razer Mask lights up Making The Smart Smarter

Razer Mask lights up Making The Smart Smarter

Razer smart mast razer N95 Smart Mask

Razer Smart mask light up mask with microphone
Types of Razer Smart mask

Razers N95-Mask lights up and has a built-in microphone. A quick look at the new razer smart mask. A year ago a company like Razer would not have personal protection masks on its product list, but 2020 changed everything for many especially the smart wearables market and companies like Razer knew the wearable technology market is making great strides forward. Razer a company better known for gaming hardware has just created a smart mask combating the coronavirus and pollution in one. The company has Donated 1 million masks globally since the outbreak of the current covid pandemic.

Razer Wanted To Create A Comfortable and Safe Smart Mask

Razer’s Project Hazel aimed to create a mask that is safe, sociable, and sustainable. Safety-wise the smart mask is classified as a Surgical N95 Respirator. The mask’s Active Ventilation which is detachable brings in cool air. Also, heat reduction is caused by exhaling leading to fogged glasses, or in the case of transparent masks a fogged oral area.

The Razer Mask N-95 is 95% Bacterial Filtration Efficiency with also fights Co2 buildup

When designing the mask one of the focuses Razer had. Was to make a mask that was more sociable appealing for others. The mask has a transparent design so people can read your facial cues easier and contains a built-in voice amp to minimalize muffled voice. It is also waterproof and scratch-resistant and its sustainable design helps minimize wastage, unlike disposable masks. Research has shown that up to 1.5 billion masks are currently in the oceans already. Apparently, the mask does not touch your mouth so the razer smart mask is more comfortable than regular cloth or disposable masks.

The Razer Smart-Mask Launch Video

Not mentioned in the video the smart-mask comes with a specially designed UV-lined wireless charging case which will also auto-sterilize your mask while charging. The lights on the mask are adjustable and the mask filters are replaceable. If you don’t like the color you can choose from over 16 million colors as the 2 lights are powered by Razer Chroma RGB. The lights also warn you that you need to charge your mask or change your filter. You can check the official project hazel page for more information here.


Will you get a razer smart mask? What about this mask that lights up

So are you buying into the smart mask market or have you a favorite wearable technology? Let us know in the comments below.