Reading outside your Niche can it make you a better Blogger?

Reading outside your Niche can it make you a better Blogger?

We all look to the experts in our niche for guidelines on how to blog better when it comes to the topic we write about.But what about looking outside your niche for ways to write about your blog’s topics and content.Some say that you should not follow too many of the top experts of your topic on Twitter and you should look towards experts in other fields as a way to learn more about your chosen topic. If it’s emerging guitar music or programing a website recipe finder by ingredients.

ideas for blogs
Photos are great ideas for blogs

So if this is true what kind of blogs or even books should you be reading in order to improve your blog content and strategy ?. Ideas can come from anywhere and they may not always be from some expert in your chosen subject sometimes the best ideas come from the strangest places. Do you read blogs about things other than the topic you blog about or did you get ideas for your blog from a totally different niche blog?.