Best distance to sit from TV

Best distance to sit from TV

Distance to sit from tv when watching?

Ever wonder how far away should you sit from your TV. Below is the answer to questions like how far should my couch be from my TV. This will tell you how far to sit from TV for various screen sizes. With today’s world of tech having us constantly looking at screens it’s good to follow manufacturers’ guidelines when using them in this it is the guidelines for how far to distance from TV sets while watching. Using the recommended distances means less eye strain. When mounting put your TV as close as possible to the guideline distances. And enjoy an optimal viewing experience on your widescreen TV.

How far away should my TV be to prevent getting screen eyes or a blurry picture

too near blury tv distance to sit from tv
Any tv will be blurry when you sit too close cottonbro at Pexels

If you are wondering how far should my TV be from my couch. Tv is fun to watch but you don’t want to be causing problems visually. So here are the distances you should sit away from the TV. Depending on the size of your TV screen. So let’s look at the recommended distances for watching TV without damaging your eyes. Here is a TV size and how far to sit from TV screen sizes. These are Sony’s guidelines for viewing distances however another site may have slight variations in distance .

Distance to sit from TV guidelines

22 Inch TV Recommended Distance to sit from TV is 31 inches or 2.59 ft

26 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 39 inches or 3.25 ft

32 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 47 inches or 3.92 ft

40 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 59 inches or 4.92 ft

43 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 67 inches or 5.58 ft

49 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 75 inches or 6.25 ft

50 Inch TV Recommended Distance is also 75 inches or 6.25 ft

55 Inch TV Recommended Distance is 83 inches or 6.92 ft

60 Inch TV Recommended Distance is also 90 inches or 7.55 ft

These are high-definition models recommended viewing distances from sony. However, if you have a standard definition TV you would need to sit 6 times the vertical height from the TV and 3 times for 4K tvs.

How far to sit from TV in your opinion?

Looking at these distance guides for how far away from my tv should I sit. They personally seem a little too close and I feel I would get screen eyes very quickly if I watched TV for these distances. How about you are you “someone that sits nearly in front of the TV” or do you just look at your TV in the background?.