woman in black and yellow floral dress
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

1000 Word Long Blog Post? Situations When they are Needed and Not

1000 Word Long Blog Post do you need this many words to get search traffic to your blog posts. How long should a blog post be? if we write 1200 words or more our rankings increase, but that can be a lot of reading for your visitors let alone writing for your to do if you drift off-topic. Actually, most blog posts don’t even get read. It might make you think why would you even try to write a blog post with 1000 words every time?

1000 Word Long Or More? How long is a good blog post?

According to this article by marketinginsidergroup.com, you should optimally write 1000 word blog posts as a rule of thumb. But that advice is not really for the average blogger and sometimes less is more. However, it is recommended that for social sharing a 6 minute reading time, or 1600 word blog post gets more social media shares. Try writing one of those every day on your blog it can be easy in some topics but really hard in others.

Putting 1000 words together in a blog post is like doing a 1000 piece jigsaw

1000 word blog post is like 1000 jigsaw pieces
Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

What do you need to say and how in-debt do you need to go into the details of the topic?. That is how you solve the puzzle. If you can put it all together in 1000 words great if you can say it in 300 words.’Better for your readers as they can move on to other things. Keeping them on your site is all about your design or site structuring and UX.

Search Situation 1:The Topic of a Blog post determines the length.

This morning I did a search to repair Shimano bike gears. I got lots of buy from amazon stuff but mostly only video results as this are the user intent. So let’s compare blog posts to youtube videos this was the first result.

I got and it had a very good video description. But unfortunately, it was not for the bike I have as I only have an older hybrid mountain bike with Shimano gears.

Video Generally outranks in these situations but not everyone likes video guides.

This is where your 1000 word article can really benefit your website visitors. I found this excellent blog post with all I needed to know about How to adjust and index bike gears. The post goes into diagnosing problems and how to solve the problem. Stating what tools you need and how to the parts. I did not have the parts or tools, so I left them in the bicycle repair shop in the morning. Because of this detailed blog post, I would have been able to buy the parts or call the repair shop to get my bike fixed. This would have been the first thing I have seen so maybe long detailed blog posts do work in most cases.

Search Situation 2: The searcher just wants to buy something can you really say 1000 words about your topic?

Amazon, Wish, and eBay seems to have this completely monopolized. Local search makes a big impact here so you could target local search in your blog post. However, unless you are a well-known or niche business in the area, it is hard to rank. Even with a 2000 word blog post. This is where video marketing can help you outrank Amazon and the rest like in situation 1.

Situation 3: The visitor wants to learn about a topic

Here a long detailed post of 1000 or more words will really help your rankings. But sometimes try branching sub-topics into smaller blog posts and linking to them from your pillar content pages. This can lead to more page views and a better user experience.

Be it music a movie or politics. Unless you have fast-flowing or deep meaningful things to say. It can be best to leave it when giving an opinion and not trying to overstretch your opinions. As you can easily drift off-topic, especially in opinion blog posts. When you want to state a fixed point of view. So can you make your opinion clear in a 1000 word long blog post?.

Situation 4: Voicing an opinion in 1000 word blog posts

Finished writing and Its less than 1000 words

Most of my blog posts are around 600 words or more. 1000 word blog posts are not my style of writing. I just like finding the information on things I want to know about and try to sum it up. Mostly for people who like to read shorter blog posts. I feel if you get enough information to work on. How about you do you like to read really long blog posts?.


  1. Hi Chris, Yes you make a good point about keeping it short and I guess it definitely has its advantages. As long as you post regularly. So instead of writing a 2k post write 2 x 1k word posts.

    Also, I think your method is a good idea if you are looking to guest post as this can be utilized for getting backlinks.

  2. Yes Alex, I see no point dragging things out just to make a post 1000 words long. Just because some marketing guru says it needs to be that length is not good for the reader. If it can be said in 300-500 words. You can always use those words for another post or guest post.

  3. Hi Chris, Yes I get what you are saying. I haven’t written a short blog post since I can remember. Although usually guest posts I will receive from people maybe this length I usually will try to make up to 1k. I think it is more readable for people if the post is shorter but the main point is with longer posts is they have more chance of ranking for keywords and keyphrases. I think what you do is a good idea but I would say as my advice to you once you reach xx number of posts maybe use this as an opportunity to revisit older posts and maybe write a bit more to each one. I know you don’t like all the fluff but most of the time you will learn a new things as you go on and you will have more insight to add to your older work.

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